

Here I will write some tips how to manage simple conditions with homeopathy, herbal medicine, Bach's flower medicine etc.   This is absolute not a substitute for a veterinary-visit but could be an addition.

Treating open wounds/cuts that don’t need stiches :

Calendula is superb – wash/rinse with the tincture and use the salve directly on the wound. Internally with nerve-damage use Hypericum D6, with cuts Arnica D6.  After surgery Stapysagria D6.

Acute injury needs medication often, up to 5-6 times a day. If tablet the dose is 1, if pills use 5. Give directly into the dogs mouth, between meals.

Isn’t it strange that we vaccinate children but very rare adult, and  dogs every third year?  Dogs of today have huge health problems, skin problems, allergy, itching, stomach-problems, thyroid-problems, epilepsy etc – could it be that vaccination is the cause of some of the problems – I am sure vaccination can trigger a host of diseases, including allergies and malignant tumors.

Symptoms of vaccinosis can appear weeks and months after vaccination and it could be difficult to see the connection with the vaccine. If possible only give one vaccine at a time.

After a vaccination give the homeopathic remedy Thuja D30 – 1 dose for 5 days

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